Animals Are People Too


With people so divided right now, I thought, I would like to paint a series that is light-hearted and hopefully a little bit funny. I believe laughter can bring us together,
and I believe together we stand.
If you like to see these paintings please come out to KALEID Gallery during the month of March. I hope to see you there!

  Jim Dairy  35×52  acrylic on canvas


   Kristen Piig 35×52  acrylic on canvas


Collie Pardon  20×35  acrylic on canvas


Lenny Rabitz  20×35 acrylic on canvas




MaLama  22×35  acrylic on canvas


Missy Elephant  49×72  acrylic on canvas



MuPaul   22×35 acrylic on canvas



Yeti White  48×55  Acrylic on canvas


The Birds

“A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children.”

-John James Audubon

I chose not to have children but I would still like to leave behind a healthy planet for your children. Birds need your help and you need theirs. Birds offer this world more than just beauty in a cage. They keep us from being overrun with insects. They pollinate our food. They dispose of the dead. Birds are an integral part of life on Earth and they are being destroyed at an alarming rate.  Find out how you can help your local birds and become an activist. Your children will thank you.


bird activism