American Goldfinch

I painted “American Goldfinch” painting as a comment to the original GoldFinch painting by Dutch painter Carel Fabritius.  His painting depicts a Goldfinch chained to a box hanging on a wall. I couldn’t see the beauty of the painting past the miserable fate of the bird.  The “American Goldfinch” would rather chew off her leg than be a prisoner. american goldfinch

Beautiful Garbage

Beautiful Garbage

The goal of this body of work is to continue awareness of the need to recycle. There is a great momentum towards recycling (here is the) buuuut, there is still need for great improvement. Working in various states, in many homes and living with clients for months at a time, I am witness to the fact that it is still rare to recycle. There are various reasons why the average person doesn’t recycle from a belief that it doesn’t make a difference to lack of facilities. In fact almost every home uses disposable napkins, cookware, cups, plates, and utensils for every meal. There is also much waste generated through individually wrapped food, disposable grocery bags and restaurant togo containers. Not only is it a questionable use of our limited natural resources to create, along with the power to manufacture and the use of gas to transport the disposable goods, these “goods” end up in a landfill. I hope to encourage a change of mindset from disposable to sustainable by creating beauty out of garbage.
These pieces are made from used and discarded paper styrofoam wood and other goodies someone deemed as garbage. They are painted in non-toxic, low or no VOC water based paints. Because they are mostly compressed paper these paintings are for interior only.
birds eye echioceras
blind sided
collection brightened
for kalied 3
human fossil
marble wave
petrofied coral#2

Living Water

Living Water is painted on a canvas I made from used and discarded paper and styrofoam. The hope is to inspire people to recycle or to make sure their trash goes to the designated place instead of loose where it will most likely end up in some body of water.

living water by sandi billingsley